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  1. Hong Yang, HN, and Hosho Katsura, Symmetry-protected topological phases in spinful bosons with a flat band, Phys. Rev. Research 3, 023210 (2021)
  2. HN, Tatsuhiko Shirai, and Takashi Mori, Tensor network approach to thermalization in open quantum many-body systems, Phys. Rev. E 103, L040102 (2021)
  3. HN and Seiji Miyashita, Characterization of localized effective spins in gapped quantum spin chains, Phys. Rev. B 100, 195105 (2019)


TensorRules.jl provides a macro @∇ which derives a custom adjoints for functions containing @tensor and @tensoropt macros. @tensor and @tensoropt are macros for tensor contraction by Einstein notation defined in TensorOperations.jl. This package are designed to use automatic differentiations for tensor network algorithms.

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